Worth the wait: Lisa’s story 

It can be hard to believe – when God shows you exactly what you’ve been looking for. That’s how it felt for Lisa Hendrix when she discovered a brand-new choir ministry meeting less than 15 minutes away from her home.

“I wanted to join a choir that had music to read from, time to sit with its music for longer than a week, and a real purpose to learn the music,” she said.

But with this desire having been left unmet for a long time, it almost appeared as if God had said “no” to Lisa’s dream.

“I’d begun to think God was finished using me in music, and my heart ached to minister through music again,” she said. “It was hard feeling like I was just sitting on the back burner, hearing ‘God’s not done with you’, and just waiting and trusting.

“Then one day, I saw an ad on Facebook that looked too good to be true.”

But it wasn’t too good to be true. Lisa joined 40 other singers for Georgia Worship Choir’s inaugural season, and from the soprano section, sang her heart out for the Lord.

And she knows it’s what she’d been waiting on.

“Georgia Worship Choir is what I’ve been looking for for the past 10 years,” Lisa said.

So why would Lisa encourage others to join GWC?

“The worship is first and foremost, and loving each other is key!” Lisa said. “Anyone could reap benefits from joining our supportive team.

“The experience has been so joy filled. My cup runneth over!”

Would you be interested in joining the Georgia Worship Choir or supporting the ministry with a financial gift? Check out our homepage for details.


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