Frequently Asked Questions

Spring ‘24…Our 4th Season


WHERE will GWC rehearse?

SUNDAY rehearsals are 4:30-6:00pm at:

Lawrenceville First Baptist Church

165 N. Clayton St, Lawrenceville, GA 30046

TUESDAY rehearsals are 7:00-8:30pm at:

Dunwoody Baptist Church

1445 Mt. Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338


WHAT are the Attendance Requirements?

1) Though singers are welcome to attend both Sunday and Tuesday rehearsals, they are only required to attend ONE of the two weekly rehearsals each week.

2) Singers do NOT have to commit to a certain rehearsal location. They may choose their location each week based on what works best with their schedule.

3) Of the 10 weekly rehearsals (9 Weekly, 1 Dress Reh.), singers must have 60% season attendance or better to participate in the concerts. (4 absences allowed)

WHAT are the requirements to sing in the GWC?

  • High-school age or above.

  • Pitch-matching ability.

  • Member Fee: $100 - (split payments accepted, non-refundable)

Are AUDITIONS required?

NO. But all new singers will complete a simple vocal exercise with a member of the Music Leadership Team to assess pitch-matching ability and confirm voice part assignment. More details will be provided after a singer has pre-registered.

WHAT is the Commitment?

Once accepted, you have an open invitation to sing with us in both of our Fall and Spring seasons if you’d like. But you only commit to one season at a time based on what is best for your schedule. If you want to sing in the Fall season, but take the Spring season off (or vice versa) that’s fine. Just meet that Season’s attendance policy and you’ll be eligible to perform with us.

WHEN and WHERE will GWC perform?

At the end of each 3-month Season (Fall season & Spring season), we anticipate having 3 performances at different locales in Metro Atlanta. Some of these locations will be churches, but we hope some will be in public venues.

WHAT ELSE should I know?

1) We do MEMORIZE music for our concerts. But you will be given practice tracks that will assist you in learning the material.

2) We STAND a lot. We’re seated for most of our rehearsals, but our concerts run 75-90 mins. You’ll have a few sit-down breaks during performances, but you’ll still stand for the large majority of the performance. If standing or mobility are issues for you, please take these physical requirements into consideration.

3) We need VOLUNTEERS. So if you decide this might not be the right time for you to sing with us, but you’re still interested in helping our ministry, there are plenty of off-stage opportunities to consider.